The Biggest Data Breach Settlement In History: A Forewarning to South African based companies*

Anthem the U.S based Medical Insurance and Health Care company with a reported turnover of $80 billion and a net income of $2.26 Billion in 2016 has made now made history, but for the wrong reasons.

Anthem has been the subject of contentious litigation in past two years, over a hacking of its data in 2015. The breach compromised 79 million customers personal information.

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Offices of the Future: What Will They Be Like?

The concept of office space is rapidly evolving. Desk-bound from 9 to 5 is passé, and the formality and suffocating hierarchic structure of the traditional work environment is gradually disappearing.

The offices of the future are already here. They are snug, comfortable environments designed to promote happy, healthy and productive employees… or, in their modern iteration, employed entrepreneurs.

Let’s take a look at key trends that are shaping the offices of the future, right now.

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Why it may be time to consider working for yourself (if you don't already).

Lifestyle choices and tough economic conditions are motivating more people to choose self-employment over the structured job market, and many are making a phenomenal success of it. Education, technology and consulting start-ups are flourishing.

Talent-matching platforms are springing up all over cyberspace. In advertising, marketing, architecture and even financial services, companies are opting for the specialist, on-demand skills of independent workers.

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Why freelancers should consider coworking.

Freedom and flexibility are words that spring to mind when others think of freelancers. They're the "lucky few" who can work from home, when and how they want.

Except that freelancers no longer number in the few, and not everything about working freelance is as rosy as office-based employees might imagine.

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If you've got a business, you could be paying a lot more for communications than you have to.

Communication is central to the success of just about every business.

Costs, though, can add up fast. Traditionally, these include the costs of telephone and fax equipment, internet access, fixed phone line rates and cell phone costs. They also include the transport and venue costs associated with face-to-face meetings.

Sophisticated software and low-cost business services not only revolutionise the way we communicate – they can also slash monthly overheads.

Here are four easy ways to cut your business communication costs.

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